Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dance for the Cure

So I got up early this morning, met a friend at the Sunset Transit Center, took the MAX downtown and walked with thousands of people in order to help raise money and awareness for breast cancer research. I had so much fun! And I thought " Why in the world haven't I done this before?" So here is the deal... I'd like to start getting involved in more of these walks/races and other fun activities in Portland. How about students, friends & family of Dancing in the Rain start doing some of these things together? We could go to the Rose Festival Parade together, make up teams to raise money for different charities through walks/races, go to weekend festivals and fairs together? What do you think? I have already come up with a name for our Walk for the Cure Team... "The Dancing Boobies!" :-) So who's in??


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